Cross Validation#

Whenever using some sort of trainable algorithm it is important to clearly separate the training and the testing data to get an unbiased result. Usually this is achieved by a train-test split. However, if you don’t have that much data, there is always a risk that one random train-test split, will provide better (or worse) results than another. In these cases it is a good idea to use cross-validation. In this procedure, you perform multiple train-test splits and average the results over all “folds”. For more information see our evaluation guide and the sklearn guide on cross validation.

In this example, we will learn how to use the cross_validate function implemented in tcpc. For this, we will redo the example on optimizable pipelines but we will perform the final evaluation via cross-validation. If you want to have more information on how the dataset and pipeline is built, head over to this example. Here we will just copy the code over.


from pathlib import Path

from examples.datasets.datasets_final_ecg import ECGExampleData

    HERE = Path(__file__).parent
except NameError:
    HERE = Path().resolve()
data_path = HERE.parent.parent / "example_data/ecg_mit_bih_arrhythmia/data"
example_data = ECGExampleData(data_path)


import pandas as pd
from tpcp import OptimizableParameter, OptimizablePipeline, Parameter, cf

from examples.algorithms.algorithms_qrs_detection_final import (

class MyPipeline(OptimizablePipeline):
    algorithm: Parameter[OptimizableQrsDetector]
    algorithm__min_r_peak_height_over_baseline: OptimizableParameter[float]

    r_peak_positions_: pd.Series

    def __init__(
        self, algorithm: OptimizableQrsDetector = cf(OptimizableQrsDetector())
        self.algorithm = algorithm

    def self_optimize(self, dataset: ECGExampleData, **kwargs):
        ecg_data = [["ecg"] for d in dataset]
        r_peaks = [d.r_peak_positions_["r_peak_position"] for d in dataset]
        # Note: We need to clone the algorithm instance, to make sure we don't leak any data between runs.
        algo = self.algorithm.clone()
        self.algorithm = algo.self_optimize(
            ecg_data, r_peaks, dataset.sampling_rate_hz
        return self

    def run(self, datapoint: ECGExampleData):
        # Note: We need to clone the algorithm instance, to make sure we don't leak any data between runs.
        algo = self.algorithm.clone()
        algo.detect(, datapoint.sampling_rate_hz)

        self.r_peak_positions_ = algo.r_peak_positions_
        return self

The Scorer#

The scorer is identical to the scoring function used in the other examples. The F1-score is still the most important parameter for our comparison.

from examples.algorithms.algorithms_qrs_detection_final import (

def score(pipeline: MyPipeline, datapoint: ECGExampleData):
    # We use the `safe_run` wrapper instead of just run. This is always a good idea.
    # We don't need to clone the pipeline here, as GridSearch will already clone the pipeline internally and `run`
    # will clone it again.
    pipeline = pipeline.safe_run(datapoint)
    tolerance_s = 0.02  # We just use 20 ms for this example
    matches = match_events_with_reference(
        tolerance=tolerance_s * datapoint.sampling_rate_hz,
    precision, recall, f1_score = precision_recall_f1_score(matches)
    return {"precision": precision, "recall": recall, "f1_score": f1_score}

Data Splitting#

Before performing a cross validation, we need to decide on the number of folds and type of splits. In tpcp we support all cross validation iterators provided in sklearn.

To keep the runtime low for this example, we are going to use a 3-fold CV.

from sklearn.model_selection import KFold

cv = KFold(n_splits=3)

Cross Validation#

Now we have all the pieces for the final cross validation. First we need to create instances of our data and pipeline. Then we need to wrap our pipeline instance into an Optimize wrapper. Finally, we can call tpcp.validate.cross_validate.

from tpcp.optimize import Optimize
from tpcp.validate import cross_validate

pipe = MyPipeline()
optimizable_pipe = Optimize(pipe)

results = cross_validate(
result_df = pd.DataFrame(results)
CV Folds:   0%|          | 0/3 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

Datapoints:   0%|          | 0/4 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

Datapoints:  50%|█████     | 2/4 [00:00<00:00, 15.46it/s]

Datapoints: 100%|██████████| 4/4 [00:00<00:00, 15.53it/s]
Datapoints: 100%|██████████| 4/4 [00:00<00:00, 15.50it/s]

Datapoints:   0%|          | 0/8 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

Datapoints:  25%|██▌       | 2/8 [00:00<00:00, 15.53it/s]

Datapoints:  50%|█████     | 4/8 [00:00<00:00, 15.38it/s]

Datapoints:  75%|███████▌  | 6/8 [00:00<00:00, 15.38it/s]

Datapoints: 100%|██████████| 8/8 [00:00<00:00, 15.79it/s]
Datapoints: 100%|██████████| 8/8 [00:00<00:00, 15.64it/s]

CV Folds:  33%|███▎      | 1/3 [00:01<00:02,  1.24s/it]

Datapoints:   0%|          | 0/4 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

Datapoints:  50%|█████     | 2/4 [00:00<00:00, 15.55it/s]

Datapoints: 100%|██████████| 4/4 [00:00<00:00, 15.86it/s]
Datapoints: 100%|██████████| 4/4 [00:00<00:00, 15.79it/s]

Datapoints:   0%|          | 0/8 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

Datapoints:  25%|██▌       | 2/8 [00:00<00:00, 16.82it/s]

Datapoints:  50%|█████     | 4/8 [00:00<00:00, 16.54it/s]

Datapoints:  75%|███████▌  | 6/8 [00:00<00:00, 16.60it/s]

Datapoints: 100%|██████████| 8/8 [00:00<00:00, 16.62it/s]
Datapoints: 100%|██████████| 8/8 [00:00<00:00, 16.60it/s]

CV Folds:  67%|██████▋   | 2/3 [00:02<00:01,  1.25s/it]

Datapoints:   0%|          | 0/4 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

Datapoints:  50%|█████     | 2/4 [00:00<00:00, 16.60it/s]

Datapoints: 100%|██████████| 4/4 [00:00<00:00, 16.59it/s]
Datapoints: 100%|██████████| 4/4 [00:00<00:00, 16.57it/s]

Datapoints:   0%|          | 0/8 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

Datapoints:  25%|██▌       | 2/8 [00:00<00:00, 16.78it/s]

Datapoints:  50%|█████     | 4/8 [00:00<00:00, 16.29it/s]

Datapoints:  75%|███████▌  | 6/8 [00:00<00:00, 16.23it/s]

Datapoints: 100%|██████████| 8/8 [00:00<00:00, 16.30it/s]
Datapoints: 100%|██████████| 8/8 [00:00<00:00, 16.31it/s]

CV Folds: 100%|██████████| 3/3 [00:03<00:00,  1.25s/it]
CV Folds: 100%|██████████| 3/3 [00:03<00:00,  1.25s/it]
debug__score_time debug__optimize_time train__data_labels test__data_labels optimizer test__single__precision test__single__recall test__single__f1_score test__agg__precision test__agg__recall test__agg__f1_score train__single__precision train__single__recall train__single__f1_score train__agg__precision train__agg__recall train__agg__f1_score
0 0.285014 0.384020 [(group_2, 106), (group_3, 108), (group_1, 114... [(group_1, 100), (group_2, 102), (group_3, 104... Optimize(optimize_with_info=True, pipeline=MyP... [0.9995600527936648, 0.9723119520073835, 0.962... [0.9995600527936648, 0.9634202103337905, 0.968... [0.9995600527936648, 0.9678456591639871, 0.965... 0.975938 0.978213 0.977058 [0.9470529470529471, 0.9077277970011534, 0.919... [0.9353724716329551, 0.44639818491208166, 0.15... [0.9411764705882353, 0.5984790874524715, 0.260... 0.940084 0.775055 0.813250
1 0.280370 0.443250 [(group_1, 100), (group_2, 102), (group_3, 104... [(group_2, 106), (group_3, 108), (group_1, 114... Optimize(optimize_with_info=True, pipeline=MyP... [0.9192846785886902, 0.8467005076142132, 0.910... [0.938332511100148, 0.47305728871242203, 0.189... [0.9287109375, 0.6069868995633187, 0.313656387... 0.918491 0.647829 0.710830 [0.9995600527936648, 0.9725022914757103, 0.962... [0.9995600527936648, 0.9702789208962048, 0.968... [0.9995600527936648, 0.9713893339436942, 0.965... 0.954602 0.952627 0.953583
2 0.268782 0.443764 [(group_1, 100), (group_2, 102), (group_3, 104... [(group_3, 119), (group_1, 121), (group_2, 123... Optimize(optimize_with_info=True, pipeline=MyP... [0.9984909456740443, 1.0, 0.9993416721527321, ... [0.9989934574735783, 0.9243156199677939, 1.0, ... [0.99874213836478, 0.9606694560669455, 0.99967... 0.941766 0.909605 0.925066 [0.9995600527936648, 0.972183588317107, 0.9638... [0.9995600527936648, 0.9588477366255144, 0.968... [0.9995600527936648, 0.9654696132596684, 0.965... 0.965628 0.799168 0.833407

Understanding the Results#

The cross validation provides a lot of outputs (some of them can be disabled using the function parameters). To simplify things a little, we will split the output into four parts:

The main output are the test set performance values. They are aggregated over all datapoints in each fold using the aggregation specified in the scoring function. They all are prefixed with test__agg__ to easily filter them out within the results. Each row corresponds to performance in respective fold.

test__agg__precision test__agg__recall test__agg__f1_score
0 0.975938 0.978213 0.977058
1 0.918491 0.647829 0.710830
2 0.941766 0.909605 0.925066

The final generalization performance you would report is usually the average over all folds. The STD can also be interesting, as it tells you how stable your optimization is and if your splits provide comparable data distributions.

test__agg__precision test__agg__recall test__agg__f1_score
mean 0.945399 0.845216 0.870985
std 0.028895 0.174350 0.141113

If you need more insight into the results (e.g. when the std of your results is high), you can inspect the individual score for each data point. In this example this is only a list with a single element per score, as we only had a single datapoint per fold. In a real scenario, this will be a list of all datapoints. Inspecting this list can help to identify potential issues with certain parts of your dataset.

test__single__precision test__single__recall test__single__f1_score
0 [0.9995600527936648, 0.9723119520073835, 0.962... [0.9995600527936648, 0.9634202103337905, 0.968... [0.9995600527936648, 0.9678456591639871, 0.965...
1 [0.9192846785886902, 0.8467005076142132, 0.910... [0.938332511100148, 0.47305728871242203, 0.189... [0.9287109375, 0.6069868995633187, 0.313656387...
2 [0.9984909456740443, 1.0, 0.9993416721527321, ... [0.9989934574735783, 0.9243156199677939, 1.0, ... [0.99874213836478, 0.9606694560669455, 0.99967...

To link the performance values to a specific datapoint, you can look at the test__data_labels field. It is often quite handy to combine all the results into on df:

exploded_results = (
    .set_index(result_df["test__data_labels"].explode(), append=True)
test__single__precision test__single__recall test__single__f1_score
fold test__data_labels
0 (group_1, 100) 0.99956 0.99956 0.99956
(group_2, 102) 0.972312 0.96342 0.967846
(group_3, 104) 0.962963 0.968147 0.965548
(group_1, 105) 0.968918 0.981726 0.97528
1 (group_2, 106) 0.919285 0.938333 0.928711
(group_3, 108) 0.846701 0.473057 0.606987
(group_1, 114) 0.910486 0.189462 0.313656
(group_2, 116) 0.997495 0.990464 0.993967
2 (group_3, 119) 0.998491 0.998993 0.998742
(group_1, 121) 1.0 0.924316 0.960669
(group_2, 123) 0.999342 1.0 0.999671
(group_3, 200) 0.769231 0.71511 0.741184

Even further insight is provided by the train results (if activated via return_train_score). These are the performance results on the train set and can indicate if the training provided meaningful results and can also indicate over-fitting, if the performance of the test set is much worse than the performance on the train set.

train__data_labels train__single__precision train__single__recall train__single__f1_score train__agg__precision train__agg__recall train__agg__f1_score
0 [(group_2, 106), (group_3, 108), (group_1, 114... [0.9470529470529471, 0.9077277970011534, 0.919... [0.9353724716329551, 0.44639818491208166, 0.15... [0.9411764705882353, 0.5984790874524715, 0.260... 0.940084 0.775055 0.813250
1 [(group_1, 100), (group_2, 102), (group_3, 104... [0.9995600527936648, 0.9725022914757103, 0.962... [0.9995600527936648, 0.9702789208962048, 0.968... [0.9995600527936648, 0.9713893339436942, 0.965... 0.954602 0.952627 0.953583
2 [(group_1, 100), (group_2, 102), (group_3, 104... [0.9995600527936648, 0.972183588317107, 0.9638... [0.9995600527936648, 0.9588477366255144, 0.968... [0.9995600527936648, 0.9654696132596684, 0.965... 0.965628 0.799168 0.833407

The final level of debug information is provided via the timings (note the long runtime in fold 0 can be explained by the jit-compiler used in BarthDtw) …

timings = result_df.filter(like="debug__")
debug__score_time debug__optimize_time
0 0.285014 0.384020
1 0.280370 0.443250
2 0.268782 0.443764

… and the optimized pipeline object. This is the actual trained object generated in this fold. You can apply it to other data for testing or inspect the actual object for further debug information that might be stored on it.

Optimize(optimize_with_info=True, pipeline=MyPipeline(algorithm=OptimizableQrsDetector(high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz=1, max_heart_rate_bpm=200.0, min_r_peak_height_over_baseline=1.0, r_peak_match_tolerance_s=0.01)), safe_optimize=True)
{'algorithm__high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz': 1, 'algorithm__max_heart_rate_bpm': 200.0, 'algorithm__min_r_peak_height_over_baseline': np.float64(0.6322168257130579), 'algorithm__r_peak_match_tolerance_s': 0.01, 'algorithm': OptimizableQrsDetector(high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz=1, max_heart_rate_bpm=200.0, min_r_peak_height_over_baseline=np.float64(0.6322168257130579), r_peak_match_tolerance_s=0.01)}

Further Notes#

We also support grouped cross validation. Check the dataset guide on how you can group the data before cross-validation or generate data labels to be used with GroupedKFold.

Optimize is just an example of an optimizer that can be passed to cross validation. You can pass any tpcp optimizer like GridSearch or GridSearchCV or custom optimizer that implement the tpcp.optimize.BaseOptimize interface.

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 5.336 seconds)

Estimated memory usage: 33 MB

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