Custom Dataset - A real world example#

To better understand how you would actually use tpcp datasets, we are going to build a dataset class for an actual dataset. We are going to use a subset of the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database. The actual content of the data is not relevant, but it has a couple of key characteristics that are typical for such datasets:

  • Data comes in individual files per participant/recording

  • There are multiple files (with different formats and structures) for each recording

  • Each recording/data point is an entire time series

These characteristics typically make working with such a dataset a little cumbersome. In the following we want to explore how we can create a tpcp dataset for it, to make future work with the data easier.

If you want to see other real-life implementations of tpcp-datasets you can also check out:

If you just want the final implementation, without all the explanation, check The final ECG Example dataset.

Creating an index#

First we need to figure out what data we have and convert that into an index dataframe. To make things a little more complicated we will add a second layer to the data, by assigning each participant into one of three “patient groups” arbitrarily.

In the data we have 3 files per participant:
  1. {patient_id}.pk.gz -> The ECG recording

  2. {patient_id}_all.csv -> The position of the R-peaks of all heart beats (PVC or normal).

    All heart beats that show a different condition than PVC are already excluded

  3. {patient_id}_pvc.csv -> The position of all PVC heart beats in the recording.

Later we need to include the data of all files into the dataset, but to generate out index, it is sufficient to only list one of the datatypes.

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Literal, NamedTuple, Optional, Union

from tpcp import Dataset

    HERE = Path(__file__).parent
except NameError:
    HERE = Path().resolve()
data_path = HERE.parent.parent / "example_data/ecg_mit_bih_arrhythmia/data"

# Note that we sort the files explicitly, as the file order might depend on the operating system.
# Otherwise, the ordering of our dataset might not be reproducible
participant_ids = ["_")[0] for f in sorted(data_path.glob("*_all.csv"))

This information forms one level of our dataset. We will add the “patient group” as arbitrary hardcoded second level to our dataset to make things a little more interesting.

Afterwards we put everything into an index that we will use for our dataset.

from itertools import cycle

import pandas as pd

patient_group = [
    g for g, _ in zip(cycle(("group_1", "group_2", "group_3")), participant_ids)

data_index = pd.DataFrame(
    {"patient_group": patient_group, "participant": participant_ids}
patient_group participant
0 group_1 100
1 group_2 102
2 group_3 104
3 group_1 105
4 group_2 106
5 group_3 108
6 group_1 114
7 group_2 116
8 group_3 119
9 group_1 121
10 group_2 123
11 group_3 200

Creating the dataset#

Now that we know how to create our index, we will integrate this logic into our dataset. Note, that we do not want to hardcode the dataset path and hence, turn it into a parameter of the dataset. The rest of the logic stays the same and goes into the create_index method.


Note that we sort the files explicitly, as the file order might depend on the operating system. Otherwise, the ordering of our dataset might not be reproducible.

class ECGExampleData(Dataset):
    data_path: Path

    def __init__(
        data_path: Path,
        groupby_cols: Optional[Union[list[str], str]] = None,
        subset_index: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None,
        self.data_path = data_path
        super().__init__(groupby_cols=groupby_cols, subset_index=subset_index)

    def create_index(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        participant_ids = [
            for f in sorted(self.data_path.glob("*_all.csv"))
        patient_group = [
            for g, _ in zip(
                cycle(("group_1", "group_2", "group_3")), participant_ids
        df = pd.DataFrame(
            {"patient_group": patient_group, "participant": participant_ids}
        # Some additional checks to avoid common issues
        if len(df) == 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "The dataset is empty. Are you sure you selected the correct folder? Current folder is: "
        return df


ECGExampleData [12 groups/rows]

patient_group participant
0 group_1 100
1 group_2 102
2 group_3 104
3 group_1 105
4 group_2 106
5 group_3 108
6 group_1 114
7 group_2 116
8 group_3 119
9 group_1 121
10 group_2 123
11 group_3 200

Adding data#

The implementation above is a fully functional dataset and can be used to split or iterate the index. However, to make things really convenient, we want to add data access parameters to the dataset. We start with the raw ecg data.

In general, it is completely up to you how you implement this. You can use methods on the dataset, properties, or create a set of functions, that get a dataset instance as an input. The way below shows how we usually do it. The most important thing in all cases is documentation to make sure everyone knows what data they are getting and in which format.

As we don’t know how people will use the dataset, we will load the data only on demand. Further, loading the data (in this case) only makes sense, when there is just a single participant selected in the dataset.

We will implement this logic by using a property to implement “load-on-demand” and the dataset.is_single method to check that there is really only a single participant selected.

class ECGExampleData(Dataset):
    data_path: Path

    def __init__(
        data_path: Path,
        groupby_cols: Optional[Union[list[str], str]] = None,
        subset_index: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None,
        self.data_path = data_path
        super().__init__(groupby_cols=groupby_cols, subset_index=subset_index)

    def sampling_rate_hz(self) -> float:
        """The sampling rate of the raw ECG recording in Hz."""
        return 360.0

    def data(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """The raw ECG data of a participant's recording.

        The dataframe contains a single column called "ecg".
        The index values are just samples.
        You can use the sampling rate (`self.sampling_rate_hz`) to convert it into time
        # Check that there is only a single participant in the dataset
        if not self.is_single(None):
            raise ValueError(
                "Data can only be accessed, when there is just a single participant in the dataset."
        # Reconstruct the ecg file path based on the data index
        p_id = self.index["participant"][0]
        return pd.read_pickle(self.data_path / f"{p_id}.pk.gz")

    def create_index(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        participant_ids = [
            for f in sorted(self.data_path.glob("*_all.csv"))
        patient_group = [
            for g, _ in zip(
                cycle(("group_1", "group_2", "group_3")), participant_ids
        df = pd.DataFrame(
            {"patient_group": patient_group, "participant": participant_ids}
        # Some additional checks to avoid common issues
        if len(df) == 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "The dataset is empty. Are you sure you selected the correct folder? Current folder is: "
        return df

With that logic, we can now select a subset of the dataset that contains only a single participant and then access the data.

dataset = ECGExampleData(data_path=data_path)
subset = dataset[0]

ECGExampleData [1 groups/rows]

patient_group participant
0 group_1 100
0 -0.145
1 -0.145
2 -0.145
3 -0.145
4 -0.145
... ...
649995 -0.075
649996 -0.445
649997 -0.675
649998 -0.765
649999 -1.280

650000 rows × 1 columns

Adding more data#

In the same way, we can add the remaining data. The remaining data we have available is both data generated by human labelers on the ECG signal. Aka data that you usually would not have available with your ECG recording. Hence, we will treat this information as “reference data/labels”. By convention, we usually use a trailing _ after the property name to indicate that.

We also add one “derived” property (labeled_r_peaks_) that returns the data in a more convenient format for certain tasks. You could also implement methods or properties that perform certain computations. For example if there is a typical pre-processing that should always be applied to the data, it might be good to add a property data_cleaned (or similar) that runs this processing on demand when the parameter is accessed.

class ECGExampleData(Dataset):
    data_path: Path

    def __init__(
        data_path: Path,
        groupby_cols: Optional[Union[list[str], str]] = None,
        subset_index: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None,
        self.data_path = data_path
        super().__init__(groupby_cols=groupby_cols, subset_index=subset_index)

    def sampling_rate_hz(self) -> float:
        """The sampling rate of the raw ECG recording in Hz."""
        return 360.0

    def data(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """The raw ECG data of a participant's recording.

        The dataframe contains a single column called "ecg".
        The index values are just samples.
        You can use the sampling rate (`self.sampling_rate_hz`) to convert it into time
        # Check that there is only a single participant in the dataset
        self.assert_is_single(None, "data")
        # Reconstruct the ecg file path based on the data index
        p_id = self.index["participant"][0]
        return pd.read_pickle(self.data_path / f"{p_id}.pk.gz")

    def r_peak_positions_(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """The sample positions of all R-peaks in the ECG data.

        This includes all R-Peaks (PVC or normal)
        self.assert_is_single(None, "r_peaks_")
        p_id = self.index["participant"][0]
        r_peaks = pd.read_csv(self.data_path / f"{p_id}_all.csv", index_col=0)
        r_peaks = r_peaks.rename(columns={"R": "r_peak_position"})
        return r_peaks

    def pvc_positions_(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """The positions of R-peaks belonging to abnormal PVC peaks in the data stream.

        The position is equivalent to a position entry in `self.r_peak_positions_`.
        self.assert_is_single(None, "pvc_positions_")
        p_id = self.index["participant"][0]
        pvc_peaks = pd.read_csv(self.data_path / f"{p_id}_pvc.csv", index_col=0)
        pvc_peaks = pvc_peaks.rename(columns={"PVC": "pvc_position"})
        return pvc_peaks

    def labeled_r_peaks_(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """All r-peak positions with an additional column that labels them as normal or PVC."""
        self.assert_is_single(None, "labeled_r_peaks_")
        r_peaks = self.r_peak_positions_
        r_peaks["label"] = "normal"
        ] = "pvc"
        return r_peaks

    def create_index(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        participant_ids = [
            for f in sorted(self.data_path.glob("*_all.csv"))
        patient_group = [
            for g, _ in zip(
                cycle(("group_1", "group_2", "group_3")), participant_ids
        df = pd.DataFrame(
            {"patient_group": patient_group, "participant": participant_ids}
        # Some additional checks to avoid common issues
        if len(df) == 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "The dataset is empty. Are you sure you selected the correct folder? Current folder is: "
        return df

dataset = ECGExampleData(data_path=data_path)
subset = dataset[0]
r_peak_position label
0 77 normal
1 370 normal
2 662 normal
3 946 normal
4 1231 normal
... ... ...
2268 648978 normal
2269 649232 normal
2270 649484 normal
2271 649734 normal
2272 649991 normal

2273 rows × 2 columns


While building the dataset is not always easy and requires you to think about how you want to access the data, it makes working with the data in the future easy. Even without using any other tpcp feature, it provides a clear overview over the data available and abstracts the complexity of data loading. This can prevent accidental errors and just a much faster and better workflow in case new people want to work with a dataset.

Advanced Concepts - Typing Group Labels#

In the example above, your IDE will assume that the grouplabel you get from the dataset is a simple tuple of strings. Try it out by running this example and attempt to auto-complete the group label keys.

group_label = dataset[0].group_label
ECGExampleDataGroupLabel(patient_group='group_1', participant='100')

However, in reality, it is a NamedTuple which is derived by pandas based on the columns of your index. That allows named access to the group label.


This named access can not be automatically inferred by the IDE or type checker, because the named tuple is created during runtime. This makes it slightly annoying to work with the group label.

We can partially work around this, by defining the group label type explicitly and provide it as generic parameter to the dataclass.


The typing trick below is a little bit of a hack and the grouplabel is not actually an instance of the provided NamedTuple. It is a NamedTuple that has the same (or a subset of the) attributes as the provided NamedTuple. So you shouldn’t use runtime checks against the named tuple that you provided.

class ECGExampleDataGroupLabel(NamedTuple):
    patient_group: Literal["group_1", "group_2", "group_3"]
    participant: str

class ECGExampleData(Dataset[ECGExampleDataGroupLabel]):
    data_path: Path

    def __init__(
        data_path: Path,
        groupby_cols: Optional[Union[list[str], str]] = None,
        subset_index: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None,
        self.data_path = data_path
        super().__init__(groupby_cols=groupby_cols, subset_index=subset_index)

    def sampling_rate_hz(self) -> float:
        """The sampling rate of the raw ECG recording in Hz."""
        return 360.0

    def data(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """The raw ECG data of a participant's recording.

        The dataframe contains a single column called "ecg".
        The index values are just samples.
        You can use the sampling rate (`self.sampling_rate_hz`) to convert it into time
        # Check that there is only a single participant in the dataset
        self.assert_is_single(None, "data")
        # Reconstruct the ecg file path based on the data index
        p_id = self.index["participant"][0]
        return pd.read_pickle(self.data_path / f"{p_id}.pk.gz")

    def r_peak_positions_(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """The sample positions of all R-peaks in the ECG data.

        This includes all R-Peaks (PVC or normal)
        self.assert_is_single(None, "r_peaks_")
        p_id = self.index["participant"][0]
        r_peaks = pd.read_csv(self.data_path / f"{p_id}_all.csv", index_col=0)
        r_peaks = r_peaks.rename(columns={"R": "r_peak_position"})
        return r_peaks

    def pvc_positions_(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """The positions of R-peaks belonging to abnormal PVC peaks in the data stream.

        The position is equivalent to a position entry in `self.r_peak_positions_`.
        self.assert_is_single(None, "pvc_positions_")
        p_id = self.index["participant"][0]
        pvc_peaks = pd.read_csv(self.data_path / f"{p_id}_pvc.csv", index_col=0)
        pvc_peaks = pvc_peaks.rename(columns={"PVC": "pvc_position"})
        return pvc_peaks

    def labeled_r_peaks_(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """All r-peak positions with an additional column that labels them as normal or PVC."""
        self.assert_is_single(None, "labeled_r_peaks_")
        r_peaks = self.r_peak_positions_
        r_peaks["label"] = "normal"
        ] = "pvc"
        return r_peaks

    def create_index(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        participant_ids = [
            for f in sorted(self.data_path.glob("*_all.csv"))
        patient_group = [
            for g, _ in zip(
                cycle(("group_1", "group_2", "group_3")), participant_ids
        df = pd.DataFrame(
            {"patient_group": patient_group, "participant": participant_ids}
        # Some additional checks to avoid common issues
        if len(df) == 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "The dataset is empty. Are you sure you selected the correct folder? Current folder is: "
        return df

Now doing the same as above, will get auto-completion for the group label keys.

dataset = ECGExampleData(data_path=data_path)
subset = dataset[0]
# "participant" should be suggested by your IDE

Advanced Concepts - Caching#

Loading/pre-processing the data on demand in the dataset above is a good optimization, if you only need to access the data once. However, if you need to access the data multiple times you might want to cache the loaded data within a single execution of you code, or even cache time-consuming computations across multiple runs/programs. Depending on the scenario this can either be achieved by using a in memory cache like functools.lru_cache or a disk cache like joblib.Memory.

Finding the right functions to cache and to do it in a way that balances runtime and other resource usage is tricky. So only do that, if you really need it. However, when you implement it, the best approach is to extract the part you want to cache into a global function without side-effects and then wrap this function with your caching method of choice.

Below we will demonstrate how to do that using Pythons lru_cache for the data property and make caching optional using a dataset parameter.

To learn more about caching check out our dedicated example.

from functools import lru_cache

def load_pandas_pickle_file(file_path):
    return pd.read_pickle(file_path)

cached_load_pandas_pickle_file = lru_cache(10)(load_pandas_pickle_file)

class ECGExampleData(Dataset[ECGExampleDataGroupLabel]):
    data_path: Path
    use_lru_cache: bool

    def __init__(
        data_path: Path,
        use_lru_cache: bool = True,
        groupby_cols: Optional[Union[list[str], str]] = None,
        subset_index: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None,
        self.data_path = data_path
        self.use_lru_cache = use_lru_cache
        super().__init__(groupby_cols=groupby_cols, subset_index=subset_index)

    def sampling_rate_hz(self) -> float:
        """The sampling rate of the raw ECG recording in Hz."""
        return 360.0

    def data(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """The raw ECG data of a participant's recording.

        The dataframe contains a single column called "ecg".
        The index values are just samples.
        You can use the sampling rate (`self.sampling_rate_hz`) to convert it into time
        # Check that there is only a single participant in the dataset
        self.assert_is_single(None, "data")
        # Reconstruct the ecg file path based on the data index
        p_id = self.group_label.participant
        file_path = self.data_path / f"{p_id}.pk.gz"
        # We try to use the cache if enabled.
        if self.use_lru_cache:
            return cached_load_pandas_pickle_file(file_path)
        return load_pandas_pickle_file(file_path)

    def r_peak_positions_(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """The sample positions of all R-peaks in the ECG data.

        This includes all R-Peaks (PVC or normal)
        self.assert_is_single(None, "r_peaks_")
        p_id = self.group_label.participant
        r_peaks = pd.read_csv(self.data_path / f"{p_id}_all.csv", index_col=0)
        r_peaks = r_peaks.rename(columns={"R": "r_peak_position"})
        return r_peaks

    def pvc_positions_(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """The positions of R-peaks belonging to abnormal PVC peaks in the data stream.

        The position is equivalent to a position entry in `self.r_peak_positions_`.
        self.assert_is_single(None, "pvc_positions_")
        p_id = self.index["participant"][0]
        pvc_peaks = pd.read_csv(self.data_path / f"{p_id}_pvc.csv", index_col=0)
        pvc_peaks = pvc_peaks.rename(columns={"PVC": "pvc_position"})
        return pvc_peaks

    def labeled_r_peaks_(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """All r-peak positions with an additional column that labels them as normal or PVC."""
        self.assert_is_single(None, "labeled_r_peaks_")
        r_peaks = self.r_peak_positions_
        r_peaks["label"] = "normal"
        ] = "pvc"
        return r_peaks

    def create_index(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        participant_ids = [
            for f in sorted(self.data_path.glob("*_all.csv"))
        patient_group = [
            for g, _ in zip(
                cycle(("group_1", "group_2", "group_3")), participant_ids
        df = pd.DataFrame(
            {"patient_group": patient_group, "participant": participant_ids}
        # Some additional checks to avoid common issues
        if len(df) == 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "The dataset is empty. Are you sure you selected the correct folder? Current folder is: "
        return df

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.290 seconds)

Estimated memory usage: 14 MB

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