Dataclass and Attrs support#

When using tpcp you have to write a lot of classes with a lot of parameters. For each class you need to repeat all parameter names up to 3 times, even before writing any documentation.

Below you can see the relevant part of the QRSDetection algorithm we implemented in another example. Even though it has only 3 parameters, it requires over 20 lines of code to define the basic initialization.

import pandas as pd

from tpcp import Algorithm, Parameter

class QRSDetector(Algorithm):
    _action_methods = "detect"

    # Input Parameters
    high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz: Parameter[float]
    max_heart_rate_bpm: Parameter[float]
    min_r_peak_height_over_baseline: Parameter[float]

    # Results
    r_peak_positions_: pd.Series

    # Some internal constants

    def __init__(
        max_heart_rate_bpm: float = 200.0,
        min_r_peak_height_over_baseline: float = 1.0,
        high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz: float = 0.5,
        self.max_heart_rate_bpm = max_heart_rate_bpm
        self.min_r_peak_height_over_baseline = min_r_peak_height_over_baseline
        self.high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz = high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz

Luckily, Python has a built-in solution for that, called dataclasses. With that, we can write the class above much more compact.

The only downside is that the annotation of result fields and constants is a little more verbose, and you need to make sure that these parameters are excluded from the init. Otherwise, tpcp will explode ;)

Note, if you are using Python >=3.10, we highly recommend to use the kw_only option for dataclasses, which prevent some of the inheritance issues of dataclasses.

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import ClassVar

@dataclass(repr=False)  # We disable the automatic repr generation, as we have one. The default one might cause errors.
class QRSDetector(Algorithm):
    _action_methods: ClassVar[str] = "detect"

    # Input Parameters
    high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz: Parameter[float] = 200.0
    max_heart_rate_bpm: Parameter[float] = 1.0
    min_r_peak_height_over_baseline: Parameter[float] = 0.5

    # Results
    # We need to add the special field annotation, to exclude the parameter from the init
    r_peak_positions_: pd.Series = field(init=False, repr=False)

    # Some internal constants
    # Using the ClassVar annotation, will mark this value as a constant and dataclasses will ignore it.
    _HIGH_PASS_FILTER_ORDER: ClassVar[int] = 4

We still get all parameters in the init:

QRSDetector(high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz=4, max_heart_rate_bpm=200, min_r_peak_height_over_baseline=1)
QRSDetector(high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz=4, max_heart_rate_bpm=200, min_r_peak_height_over_baseline=1)


Creating child classes of dataclasses is also simple. Instead of repeating all parameters, you just need to specify the new once. However, you need to make sure that you also apply the dataclass decorator to the child class!

… warning :: New parameters will be added at the end in the positional order in the init method.

To avoid passing the wrong values to the wrong parameters, we highly recommend to pass parameters only by name and not by position, or use the kw_only parameter of dataclasses supported in Python >=3.10.

class ModifiedQRSDetector(QRSDetector):
    new_parameter: Parameter[float] = 3

    high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz=4, max_heart_rate_bpm=200, min_r_peak_height_over_baseline=1, new_parameter=3
ModifiedQRSDetector(high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz=4, max_heart_rate_bpm=200, min_r_peak_height_over_baseline=1, new_parameter=3)

Inheritance from complex tpcp classes#

While inheriting from other dataclasses works without issues, be aware that you can not subclass a class that is not a dataclass and also has a __init__ method! For example, you can not subclass GridSearch with a dataclass, as it already defines its own __init__. In this case you need to use a regular class and manually repeat all parent parameters (and call super().__init__()).

While this might not be a big deal for the GridSearch class, as you are not expected to subclass it on a regular, it can become annoying for classes like ~tpcp.Dataset and ~tpcp.optimize.optuna.CustomOptunaOptimize, which already have an init and you need to subclass to work with them. For these two classes (and other classes with predefined inits, we expect you to subclass from), we provide a as_dataclass class method that returns a data class version of the respective class:

from itertools import product

from tpcp import Dataset

class CustomDataset(Dataset.as_dataclass()):  # Note the `as_dataclass` call here!
    def create_index(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        return pd.DataFrame(
            list(product(("patient_1", "patient_2", "patient_3"), ("test_1", "test_2"), ("1", "2"))),
            columns=["patient", "test", "extra"],

    custom_param: float = 2  # This must have a default value, as the baseclass has parameters with defautls


CustomDataset [12 groups/rows]

patient test extra
0 patient_1 test_1 1
1 patient_1 test_1 2
2 patient_1 test_2 1
3 patient_1 test_2 2
4 patient_2 test_1 1
5 patient_2 test_1 2
6 patient_2 test_2 1
7 patient_2 test_2 2
8 patient_3 test_1 1
9 patient_3 test_1 2
10 patient_3 test_2 1
11 patient_3 test_2 2

Mutable Defaults#

In tpcp we usually deal with the issue of mutable defaults by using the CloneFactory ( cf). However, when using dataclasses, we can use the (more elegant) field annotation to define mutable defaults.

class FilterAlgorithm(Algorithm):
    _action_methods: ClassVar = "filter"

    # Input Parameters
    cutoff_hz: Parameter[float] = 2
    order: Parameter[int] = 5

    # Results
    filtered_signal_: pd.Series = field(init=False, repr=False)

class HigherLevelFilter(QRSDetector):
    filter_algorithm: Parameter[FilterAlgorithm] = field(default_factory=lambda: FilterAlgorithm(3, 2))

We can see that each instance will get a copy of the default value.

v1 = HigherLevelFilter()
v2 = HigherLevelFilter()

nested_object_is_different = v1.filter_algorithm is not v2.filter_algorithm


A popular alternative to dataclasses is attrs ( It has the similar features as dataclasses, but has some additional features that can be helpfully. It also supports kw_only for all Python version (kw_only is great! Use it).

You can use it simply be replacing the dataclass decorator with the attrs.define decorator in most examples above. Further, attrs has a field function, that works like dataclasses.field. Only the default_factory is called factory.


attrs creates classes using slots instead of __dict__ by default. This does not work nicely with tpcp! Use the slot=False parameter of define.

Here are all the classes from above using attrs.

from attrs import Factory, define, field

@define(kw_only=True, slots=False, repr=False)  # Slots Don't play nice with tpcp!
class QRSDetector(Algorithm):
    _action_methods: ClassVar[str] = "detect"

    # Input Parameters
    high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz: Parameter[float] = 200.0
    max_heart_rate_bpm: Parameter[float] = 1.0
    min_r_peak_height_over_baseline: Parameter[float] = 0.5

    # Results
    r_peak_positions_: pd.Series = field(init=False)

    # Some internal constants
    _HIGH_PASS_FILTER_ORDER: ClassVar[int] = 4

@define(kw_only=True, slots=False, repr=False)  # Slots Don't play nice with tpcp!
class FilterAlgorithm(Algorithm):
    _action_methods: ClassVar = "filter"

    # Input Parameters
    cutoff_hz: Parameter[float] = 2
    order: Parameter[int] = 5

    # Results
    filtered_signal_: pd.Series = field(init=False)

@define(kw_only=True, slots=False, repr=False)  # Slots Don't play nice with tpcp!
class HigherLevelFilter(QRSDetector):
    filter_algorithm: Parameter[FilterAlgorithm] = Factory(lambda: FilterAlgorithm(cutoff_hz=3, order=2))

HigherLevelFilter(filter_algorithm=FilterAlgorithm(cutoff_hz=3, order=2), high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz=200.0, max_heart_rate_bpm=1.0, min_r_peak_height_over_baseline=0.5)

To support subclassing tpcp parameters with existing inits, we provide a as_attrs method on the respective classes.

@define(kw_only=True, slots=False, repr=False)  # Slots Don't play nice with tpcp!
class CustomDataset(Dataset.as_attrs()):  # Note the `as_attrs` call here!
    custom_param: float  # We don't need a default, as we are using `kw_only` in define

    def create_index(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        return pd.DataFrame(
            list(product(("patient_1", "patient_2", "patient_3"), ("test_1", "test_2"), ("1", "2"))),
            columns=["patient", "test", "extra"],


CustomDataset [12 groups/rows]

patient test extra
0 patient_1 test_1 1
1 patient_1 test_1 2
2 patient_1 test_2 1
3 patient_1 test_2 2
4 patient_2 test_1 1
5 patient_2 test_1 2
6 patient_2 test_2 1
7 patient_2 test_2 2
8 patient_3 test_1 1
9 patient_3 test_1 2
10 patient_3 test_2 1
11 patient_3 test_2 2

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 2.139 seconds)

Estimated memory usage: 9 MB

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