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The final QRS detection algorithms#
These are the QRS detection algorithms, that we developed step by step Algorithms - A real world example: QRS-Detection. This file can be used as quick reference or to import the class into other examples without side effects.
from typing import List, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import signal
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree, minkowski_distance
from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve
from tpcp import (
def match_events_with_reference(
events: np.ndarray, reference: np.ndarray, tolerance: Union[int, float], one_to_one: bool = True
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Find matches in two lists based on the distance between their vectors.
events : array with shape (n, d)
An n long array of d-dimensional vectors
reference : array with shape (m, d)
An m long array of d-dimensional vectors
Max allowed Chebyshev distance between matches
If True only valid one-to-one matches are returned (see more below)
Indices from the events array that have a match in the right list.
If `one_to_one` is False, indices might repeat.
Indices from the reference array that have a match in the left list.
If `one_to_one` is False, indices might repeat.
A valid match pare is then `(event_indices[i], reference_indices[i]) for all i.
This function supports 2 modes:
`one_to_one` = False:
In this mode every match is returned as long the distance in all dimensions between the matches is at most
This is equivalent to the Chebyshev distance between the matches
(aka `np.max(np.abs(left_match - right_match)) < tolerance`).
This means multiple matches for each vector will be returned.
This means the respective indices will occur multiple times in the output vectors.
`one_to_one` = True:
In this mode only a single match per index is allowed in both directions.
This means that every index will only occur once in the output arrays.
If multiple matches are possible based on the tolerance of the Chebyshev distance, the closest match will be
selected based on the Manhatten distance (aka `np.sum(np.abs(left_match - right_match`).
Only this match will be returned.
Note, that in the implementation, we first get the closest match based on the Manhatten distance and check in a
second step if this closed match is also valid based on the Chebyshev distance.
if len(events) == 0 or len(reference) == 0:
return np.array([]), np.array([])
events = np.atleast_1d(events.squeeze())
reference = np.atleast_1d(reference.squeeze())
assert np.ndim(events) == 1, "Events must be a 1D-array"
assert np.ndim(reference) == 1, "Reference must be a 1D-array"
events = np.atleast_2d(events).T
reference = np.atleast_2d(reference).T
right_tree = cKDTree(reference)
left_tree = cKDTree(events)
if one_to_one is False:
# p = np.inf is used to select the Chebyshev distance
keys = list(zip(*right_tree.sparse_distance_matrix(left_tree, tolerance, p=np.inf).keys()))
# All values are returned that have a valid match
return (np.array([]), np.array([])) if len(keys) == 0 else (np.array(keys[1]), np.array(keys[0]))
# one_to_one is True
# We calculate the closest neighbor based on the Manhatten distance in both directions and then find only the cases
# were the right side closest neighbor resulted in the same pairing as the left side closest neighbor ensuring
# that we have true one-to-one-matches
# p = 1 is used to select the Manhatten distance
l_nearest_distance, l_nearest_neighbor = right_tree.query(events, p=1, workers=-1)
_, r_nearest_neighbor = left_tree.query(reference, p=1, workers=-1)
# Filter the once that are true one-to-one matches
l_indices = np.arange(len(events))
combined_indices = np.vstack([l_indices, l_nearest_neighbor]).T
boolean_map = r_nearest_neighbor[l_nearest_neighbor] == l_indices
valid_matches = combined_indices[boolean_map]
# Check if the remaining matches are inside our Chebyshev tolerance distance.
# If not, delete them.
valid_matches_distance = l_nearest_distance[boolean_map]
index_large_matches = np.where(valid_matches_distance > tolerance)[0]
if index_large_matches.size > 0:
# Minkowski with p = np.inf uses the Chebyshev distance
output = (
minkowski_distance(events[index_large_matches], reference[valid_matches[index_large_matches, 1]], p=np.inf)
> tolerance
valid_matches = np.delete(valid_matches, index_large_matches[output], axis=0)
valid_matches = valid_matches.T
return valid_matches[0], valid_matches[1]
class QRSDetector(Algorithm):
_action_methods = "detect"
# Input Parameters
high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz: Parameter[float]
max_heart_rate_bpm: Parameter[float]
min_r_peak_height_over_baseline: Parameter[float]
# Results
r_peak_positions_: pd.Series
# Some internal constants
def __init__(
max_heart_rate_bpm: float = 200.0,
min_r_peak_height_over_baseline: float = 1.0,
high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz: float = 1,
self.max_heart_rate_bpm = max_heart_rate_bpm
self.min_r_peak_height_over_baseline = min_r_peak_height_over_baseline
self.high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz = high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz
def detect(self, single_channel_ecg: pd.Series, sampling_rate_hz: float):
ecg = single_channel_ecg.to_numpy().flatten()
filtered_signal = self._filter(ecg, sampling_rate_hz)
peak_positions = self._search_strategy(filtered_signal, sampling_rate_hz)
self.r_peak_positions_ = pd.Series(peak_positions)
return self
def _search_strategy(
self, filtered_signal: np.ndarray, sampling_rate_hz: float, use_height: bool = True
) -> np.ndarray:
# Calculate the minimal distance based on the expected heart rate
min_distance_between_peaks = 1 / (self.max_heart_rate_bpm / 60) * sampling_rate_hz
height = None
if use_height:
height = self.min_r_peak_height_over_baseline
peaks, _ = signal.find_peaks(filtered_signal, distance=min_distance_between_peaks, height=height)
return peaks
def _filter(self, ecg_signal: np.ndarray, sampling_rate_hz: float) -> np.ndarray:
sos = signal.butter(
return signal.sosfiltfilt(sos, ecg_signal)
class OptimizableQrsDetector(QRSDetector, OptimizableAlgorithm):
min_r_peak_height_over_baseline: OptimizableParameter[float]
r_peak_match_tolerance_s: HyperParameter[float]
def __init__(
max_heart_rate_bpm: float = 200.0,
min_r_peak_height_over_baseline: float = 1.0,
r_peak_match_tolerance_s: float = 0.01,
high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz: float = 1,
self.r_peak_match_tolerance_s = r_peak_match_tolerance_s
def self_optimize(self, ecg_data: List[pd.Series], r_peaks: List[pd.Series], sampling_rate_hz: float):
all_labels = []
all_peak_heights = []
for d, p in zip(ecg_data, r_peaks):
filtered = self._filter(d.to_numpy().flatten(), sampling_rate_hz)
# Find all potential peaks without the height threshold
potential_peaks = self._search_strategy(filtered, sampling_rate_hz, use_height=False)
# Determine the label for each peak, by matching them with our ground truth
labels = np.zeros(potential_peaks.shape)
matches, _ = match_events_with_reference(
tolerance=self.r_peak_match_tolerance_s * sampling_rate_hz,
labels[matches] = 1
labels = labels.astype(bool)
all_labels = np.hstack(all_labels)
all_peak_heights = np.hstack(all_peak_heights)
# We "brute-force" a good cutoff by testing a bunch of thresholds and then calculating the Youden Index for
# each.
fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(all_labels, all_peak_heights)
youden_index = tpr - fpr
# The best Youden index gives us a balance between sensitivity and specificity.
self.min_r_peak_height_over_baseline = thresholds[np.argmax(youden_index)]
return self
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.070 seconds)
Estimated memory usage: 9 MB