.. DO NOT EDIT. .. THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY SPHINX-GALLERY. .. TO MAKE CHANGES, EDIT THE SOURCE PYTHON FILE: .. "auto_examples/parameter_optimization/_03_gridsearch_cv.py" .. LINE NUMBERS ARE GIVEN BELOW. .. only:: html .. note:: :class: sphx-glr-download-link-note Click :ref:`here ` to download the full example code .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-example-title .. _sphx_glr_auto_examples_parameter_optimization__03_gridsearch_cv.py: .. _gridsearch_cv: GridSearchCV ============ When trying to optimize parameters for algorithms that have trainable components, it is required to perform the parameter search on a validation set (that is separate from the test set used for the final validation). Even better, is to use a cross validation for this step. In tpcp this can be done by using :class:`~tpcp.optimize.GridSearchCV`. This example explains how to use this method. To learn more about the concept, review the :ref:`evaluation guide ` and the `sklearn guide on tuning hyperparameters `_. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 17-24 .. code-block:: default import random import pandas as pd from typing_extensions import Self random.seed(1) # We set the random seed for repeatable results .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 25-29 Dataset ------- As always, we need a dataset, a pipeline, and a scoring method for a parameter search. Here, we're just going to reuse the ECGExample dataset we created in :ref:`custom_dataset_ecg`. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 29-42 .. code-block:: default from pathlib import Path from examples.datasets.datasets_final_ecg import ECGExampleData try: HERE = Path(__file__).parent except NameError: HERE = Path(".").resolve() data_path = HERE.parent.parent / "example_data/ecg_mit_bih_arrhythmia/data" example_data = ECGExampleData(data_path) from typing import Any .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 43-52 The Pipeline ------------ When using `GridSearchCV` our pipeline must be "optimizable". Otherwise, we have no need for the CV part and could just use a simple gridsearch. Here we are going to create an optimizable pipeline that wraps the optimizable version of the QRS detector we developed in :ref:`custom_algorithms_qrs_detection`. For more information about the pipeline below check our examples on :ref:`optimize_pipelines`. Todo: Full dedicated example for `PureParameter` .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 52-84 .. code-block:: default from examples.algorithms.algorithms_qrs_detection_final import OptimizableQrsDetector from tpcp import OptimizableParameter, OptimizablePipeline, Parameter, cf class MyPipeline(OptimizablePipeline[ECGExampleData]): algorithm: Parameter[OptimizableQrsDetector] algorithm__min_r_peak_height_over_baseline: OptimizableParameter[float] r_peak_positions_: pd.Series def __init__(self, algorithm: OptimizableQrsDetector = cf(OptimizableQrsDetector())): self.algorithm = algorithm def self_optimize(self, dataset: ECGExampleData, **kwargs: Any): ecg_data = [d.data["ecg"] for d in dataset] r_peaks = [d.r_peak_positions_["r_peak_position"] for d in dataset] # Note: We need to clone the algorithm instance, to make sure we don't leak any data between runs. algo = self.algorithm.clone() self.algorithm = algo.self_optimize(ecg_data, r_peaks, dataset.sampling_rate_hz) return self def run(self, datapoint: ECGExampleData) -> Self: # Note: We need to clone the algorithm instance, to make sure we don't leak any data between runs. algo = self.algorithm.clone() algo.detect(datapoint.data["ecg"], datapoint.sampling_rate_hz) self.r_peak_positions_ = algo.r_peak_positions_ return self pipe = MyPipeline() .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 85-89 The Scorer ---------- The scorer is identical to the scoring function used in the other examples. The F1-score is still the most important parameter for our comparison. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 89-109 .. code-block:: default from typing import Dict from examples.algorithms.algorithms_qrs_detection_final import match_events_with_reference, precision_recall_f1_score def score(pipeline: MyPipeline, datapoint: ECGExampleData) -> Dict[str, float]: # We use the `safe_run` wrapper instead of just run. This is always a good idea. # We don't need to clone the pipeline here, as GridSearch will already clone the pipeline internally and `run` # will clone it again. pipeline = pipeline.safe_run(datapoint) tolerance_s = 0.02 # We just use 20 ms for this example matches = match_events_with_reference( pipeline.r_peak_positions_.to_numpy(), datapoint.r_peak_positions_.to_numpy(), tolerance=tolerance_s * datapoint.sampling_rate_hz, ) precision, recall, f1_score = precision_recall_f1_score(matches) return {"precision": precision, "recall": recall, "f1_score": f1_score} .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 110-117 Data Splitting -------------- Like with a normal cross validation, we need to decide on the number of folds and type of splits. In `tpcp` we support all cross validation iterators provided in `sklearn `__. To keep the runtime low for this example, we are going to use a 2-fold CV. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 117-121 .. code-block:: default from sklearn.model_selection import KFold cv = KFold(n_splits=2) .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 122-133 The Parameters -------------- The pipeline above exposes a couple of (nested) parameters. `min_r_peak_height_over_baseline` is the parameter we want to optimize. All other parameters are effectively hyper-parameters as they change the outcome of the optimization. We could differentiate further and say that only `r_peak_match_tolerance_s` is a true hyper parameter, as it only effects the outcome of the optimization, but the `run` method is independent from it. `max_heart_rate_bpm` and `high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz` effect both the optimization and `run`. We could run the gridsearch over any combination of parameters. However, to keep things simple, we will only test a couple of values for `high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz`. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 133-137 .. code-block:: default from sklearn.model_selection import ParameterGrid parameters = ParameterGrid({"algorithm__high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz": [0.25, 0.5, 1]}) .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 138-143 GridSearchCV ------------ Setting up the GridSearchCV object is similar to the normal GridSearch, we just need to add the additional `cv` parameter. Then we can simply run the search using the `optimize` method. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 143-148 .. code-block:: default from tpcp.optimize import GridSearchCV gs = GridSearchCV(pipeline=MyPipeline(), parameter_grid=parameters, scoring=score, cv=cv, return_optimized="f1_score") gs = gs.optimize(example_data) .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out .. code-block:: none Split-Para Combos: 0%| | 0/6 [00:00
mean_optimize_time std_optimize_time mean_score_time std_score_time split0_test_data_labels split1_test_data_labels split0_train_data_labels split1_train_data_labels param_algorithm__high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz params split0_test_precision split1_test_precision mean_test_precision std_test_precision rank_test_precision split0_test_recall split1_test_recall mean_test_recall std_test_recall rank_test_recall split0_test_f1_score split1_test_f1_score mean_test_f1_score std_test_f1_score rank_test_f1_score split0_test_single_precision split1_test_single_precision split0_test_single_recall split1_test_single_recall split0_test_single_f1_score split1_test_single_f1_score
0 0.429410 0.077973 0.579043 0.056902 [(group_1, 100), (group_2, 102), (group_3, 104... [(group_1, 114), (group_2, 116), (group_3, 119... [(group_1, 114), (group_2, 116), (group_3, 119... [(group_1, 100), (group_2, 102), (group_3, 104... 0.25 {'algorithm__high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz': 0.25} 0.939253 0.936646 0.937949 0.001304 3 0.886065 0.800842 0.843453 0.042612 1 0.903974 0.824031 0.864003 0.039972 2 [0.9995600527936648, 0.9724391364262747, 0.961... [0.8974358974358975, 0.9954147561483951, 0.998... [0.9995600527936648, 0.9679926840420667, 0.967... [0.1490154337413518, 0.9900497512437811, 0.999... [0.9995600527936648, 0.9702108157653528, 0.964... [0.25559105431309903, 0.9927250051964249, 0.99...
1 0.353165 0.001314 0.604100 0.001388 [(group_1, 100), (group_2, 102), (group_3, 104... [(group_1, 114), (group_2, 116), (group_3, 119... [(group_1, 114), (group_2, 116), (group_3, 119... [(group_1, 100), (group_2, 102), (group_3, 104... 0.5 {'algorithm__high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz': 0.5} 0.951106 0.946568 0.948837 0.002269 2 0.881955 0.795663 0.838809 0.043146 3 0.904481 0.818777 0.861629 0.042852 3 [0.9995600527936648, 0.9722735674676525, 0.962... [0.9486166007905138, 0.9974947807933194, 0.998... [0.9995600527936648, 0.9620484682213077, 0.967... [0.12772751463544438, 0.9904643449419569, 0.99... [0.9995600527936648, 0.9671339921857045, 0.964... [0.225140712945591, 0.9939671312669024, 0.9992...
2 0.346760 0.001630 0.600882 0.000468 [(group_1, 100), (group_2, 102), (group_3, 104... [(group_1, 114), (group_2, 116), (group_3, 119... [(group_1, 114), (group_2, 116), (group_3, 119... [(group_1, 100), (group_2, 102), (group_3, 104... 1 {'algorithm__high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz': 1} 0.959503 0.946947 0.953225 0.006278 1 0.882437 0.796150 0.839294 0.043143 2 0.907905 0.823164 0.865534 0.042370 1 [0.9995600527936648, 0.9723119520073835, 0.962... [0.9228070175438596, 0.9974947807933194, 0.998... [0.9995600527936648, 0.9634202103337905, 0.968... [0.13996806812134113, 0.9904643449419569, 0.99... [0.9995600527936648, 0.9678456591639871, 0.965... [0.24306839186691312, 0.9939671312669024, 0.99...

.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 161-163 The mean score is the primary parameter used to select the best parameter combi (if `return_optimized` is True). All other values performance values are just there to provide further insight. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 163-166 .. code-block:: default results_df[["mean_test_precision", "mean_test_recall", "mean_test_f1_score"]] .. raw:: html
mean_test_precision mean_test_recall mean_test_f1_score
0 0.937949 0.843453 0.864003
1 0.948837 0.838809 0.861629
2 0.953225 0.839294 0.865534

.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 167-168 For even more insight, you can inspect the scores per datapoint: .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 168-171 .. code-block:: default results_df.filter(like="test_single") .. raw:: html
split0_test_single_precision split1_test_single_precision split0_test_single_recall split1_test_single_recall split0_test_single_f1_score split1_test_single_f1_score
0 [0.9995600527936648, 0.9724391364262747, 0.961... [0.8974358974358975, 0.9954147561483951, 0.998... [0.9995600527936648, 0.9679926840420667, 0.967... [0.1490154337413518, 0.9900497512437811, 0.999... [0.9995600527936648, 0.9702108157653528, 0.964... [0.25559105431309903, 0.9927250051964249, 0.99...
1 [0.9995600527936648, 0.9722735674676525, 0.962... [0.9486166007905138, 0.9974947807933194, 0.998... [0.9995600527936648, 0.9620484682213077, 0.967... [0.12772751463544438, 0.9904643449419569, 0.99... [0.9995600527936648, 0.9671339921857045, 0.964... [0.225140712945591, 0.9939671312669024, 0.9992...
2 [0.9995600527936648, 0.9723119520073835, 0.962... [0.9228070175438596, 0.9974947807933194, 0.998... [0.9995600527936648, 0.9634202103337905, 0.968... [0.13996806812134113, 0.9904643449419569, 0.99... [0.9995600527936648, 0.9678456591639871, 0.965... [0.24306839186691312, 0.9939671312669024, 0.99...

.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 172-175 If `return_optimized` was set to True (or the name of a score), a final optimization is performed using the best set of parameters and **all** the available data. The resulting pipeline will be stored in `optimizable_pipeline_`. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 175-178 .. code-block:: default print("Best Para Combi:", gs.best_params_) print("Paras of optimized Pipeline:", gs.optimized_pipeline_.get_params()) .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out .. code-block:: none Best Para Combi: {'algorithm__high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz': 1} Paras of optimized Pipeline: {'algorithm__high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz': 1, 'algorithm__max_heart_rate_bpm': 200.0, 'algorithm__min_r_peak_height_over_baseline': 0.6322168257130579, 'algorithm__r_peak_match_tolerance_s': 0.01, 'algorithm': OptimizableQrsDetector(high_pass_filter_cutoff_hz=1, max_heart_rate_bpm=200.0, min_r_peak_height_over_baseline=0.6322168257130579, r_peak_match_tolerance_s=0.01)} .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 179-184 To run the optimized pipeline, we can directly use the `run`/`safe_run` method on the `GridSearchCV` object. This makes it possible to use the `GridSearchCV` as a replacement for your pipeline object with minimal code changes. If you tried to call `run`/`safe_run` (or `score` for that matter), before the optimization, an error is raised. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 184-186 .. code-block:: default r_peaks = gs.safe_run(example_data[0]).r_peak_positions_ r_peaks .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out .. code-block:: none 0 77 1 370 2 663 3 947 4 1231 ... 2268 648978 2269 649232 2270 649485 2271 649734 2272 649992 Length: 2273, dtype: int64 .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-timing **Total running time of the script:** ( 0 minutes 9.026 seconds) **Estimated memory usage:** 34 MB .. _sphx_glr_download_auto_examples_parameter_optimization__03_gridsearch_cv.py: .. only:: html .. container:: sphx-glr-footer sphx-glr-footer-example .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-python :download:`Download Python source code: _03_gridsearch_cv.py <_03_gridsearch_cv.py>` .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-jupyter :download:`Download Jupyter notebook: _03_gridsearch_cv.ipynb <_03_gridsearch_cv.ipynb>` .. only:: html .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-signature `Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery `_