Custom Scorer#

Scorer or scoring functions are used in tpcp whenever we need to rank any form of output. For examples, after a GridSearch, we want to know which pipeline is the best. This is done by a function, that takes a pipeline and a datapoint as an input and returns one or multiple score. These scores are then averaged over all datapoints provided.

However, sometimes this is not exactly what we want. In this case, you need to create a custom scorer or custom aggregator to also control how scores are averaged over all datapoints.

In the following, we will demonstrate solutions for two typical usecases:

  1. Instead of averaging the scores you want to use another metric (e.g. median) or you want to weight the scores based on the datatype.

  2. You want to calculate a score, that can not be first aggregated on a datapoint level. This can happen, if each datapoint has multiple events. If you score (e.g. F1 score) on each datapoint first, you will get a different result, compared to calculating the F1 score across all events of a dataset, independent of the datapoint they belong to. (Note, which of the two cases you want will depend on your usecase and the data distributions per datapoint)

from itertools import groupby
from pathlib import Path


We will simply reuse the pipline from the general QRS detection example. For all of our custom scorer, we will use this pipeline and apply it to all datapoints of the ECG example dataset.

from typing import Dict, Sequence

import pandas as pd

from examples.algorithms.algorithms_qrs_detection_final import (
from examples.datasets.datasets_final_ecg import ECGExampleData
from tpcp import Parameter, Pipeline, cf

    HERE = Path(__file__).parent
except NameError:
    HERE = Path(".").resolve()
data_path = HERE.parent.parent / "example_data/ecg_mit_bih_arrhythmia/data"
example_data = ECGExampleData(data_path)

class MyPipeline(Pipeline[ECGExampleData]):
    algorithm: Parameter[QRSDetector]

    r_peak_positions_: pd.Series

    def __init__(self, algorithm: QRSDetector = cf(QRSDetector())):
        self.algorithm = algorithm

    def run(self, datapoint: ECGExampleData):
        # Note: We need to clone the algorithm instance, to make sure we don't leak any data between runs.
        algo = self.algorithm.clone()
        algo.detect(["ecg"], datapoint.sampling_rate_hz)

        self.r_peak_positions_ = algo.r_peak_positions_
        return self

pipe = MyPipeline()

Custom Median Scorer#

To create a custom score aggregation, we first need a score function. We will use a similar score function as we used in the QRS detection example. It returns the precision, recall and f1 score of the QRS detection for each datapoint.

def score(pipeline: MyPipeline, datapoint: ECGExampleData):
    # We use the `safe_run` wrapper instead of just run. This is always a good idea.
    # We don't need to clone the pipeline here, as GridSearch will already clone the pipeline internally and `run`
    # will clone it again.
    pipeline = pipeline.safe_run(datapoint)
    tolerance_s = 0.02  # We just use 20 ms for this example
    matches = match_events_with_reference(
        tolerance=tolerance_s * datapoint.sampling_rate_hz,
    precision, recall, f1_score = precision_recall_f1_score(matches)
    return {"precision": precision, "recall": recall, "f1_score": f1_score}

By default, these values will be aggregated by averaging over all datapoints. We can see that by running an instance of the scorer on the example dataset.

from tpcp.validate import Scorer

baseline_results_agg, baseline_results_single = Scorer(score)(pipe, example_data)
{'precision': 0.9929358534618008, 'recall': 0.6737755326205007, 'f1_score': 0.7089727629059107}
{'precision': [1.0, 0.9883040935672515, 0.9704743465634076, 0.9797428905336969, 0.9865023474178404, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9979096989966555, 0.9984909456740443, 1.0, 1.0, 0.993805918788713], 'recall': [0.9986801583809943, 0.772748056698674, 0.8995065051592642, 0.9778382581648523, 0.8293043907252097, 0.04424276800907544, 0.015965939329430547, 0.9896351575456053, 0.9989934574735783, 0.00322061191626409, 1.0, 0.5551710880430604], 'f1_score': [0.9993396434074401, 0.8673338465486272, 0.9336437718277065, 0.9787896477913991, 0.9010989010989011, 0.08473655621944595, 0.03143006809848088, 0.9937552039966694, 0.99874213836478, 0.006420545746388443, 1.0, 0.7123828317710903]}

The scorer provides the results per datapoint and the aggregated values. We can see that the aggregation was performed using the average

import numpy as np

assert baseline_results_agg["f1_score"] == np.mean(baseline_results_single["f1_score"])

from tpcp.exceptions import ValidationError

We can change this behaviour by implementing a custom Aggregator. This is a simple class inheriting from tpcp.validate.Aggregator, implementing a aggregate class - method. This method gets the score values and the datapoints that generated them as keyword only arguments. (Note, if you need just the values and not the datapoints, you can use the **_ syntax to catch all unused parameters.)

Below we have implemented a custom aggregator that calculates the median of the per-datapoint scores. In addition, it prints a log message when it is called, so we can better understand how it works.

from tpcp.validate import Aggregator

class MedianAggregator(Aggregator):
    def aggregate(cls, /, values: Sequence[float], **_) -> float:
        print("Median Aggregator called")
            return float(np.median(values))
        except TypeError as e:
            raise ValidationError(
                f"MedianAggregator can only be used with float values. Got the following values instead:\nn{values}"
            ) from e

We can apply this Aggregator in two ways:

  1. By using it as default_aggregator in the Scorer constructor. In this case, the aggregator will be used for all scores.

  2. By wrapping specific return values of the score method.

Let’s start with the first way.

median_results_agg, median_results_single = Scorer(score, default_aggregator=MedianAggregator)(pipe, example_data)
Median Aggregator called
Median Aggregator called
Median Aggregator called

{'precision': 0.9982003223353499, 'recall': 0.864405447942237, 'f1_score': 0.9173713364633038}

We can see via the log-printing that the aggregator was called 3 times (once per score).

assert median_results_agg["f1_score"] == np.median(median_results_single["f1_score"])
assert median_results_agg["precision"] == np.median(median_results_single["precision"])

In the second case, we can select which scores we want to aggregate in a different way. All scores without a specific aggregator will be aggregated by the default aggregator.

Below, only the F1-score will be aggregated by the median aggregator.

def score(pipeline: MyPipeline, datapoint: ECGExampleData):
    # We use the `safe_run` wrapper instead of just run. This is always a good idea.
    # We don't need to clone the pipeline here, as GridSearch will already clone the pipeline internally and `run`
    # will clone it again.
    pipeline = pipeline.safe_run(datapoint)
    tolerance_s = 0.02  # We just use 20 ms for this example
    matches = match_events_with_reference(
        tolerance=tolerance_s * datapoint.sampling_rate_hz,
    precision, recall, f1_score = precision_recall_f1_score(matches)
    return {"precision": precision, "recall": recall, "f1_score": MedianAggregator(f1_score)}

partial_median_results_agg, partial_median_results_single = Scorer(score)(pipe, example_data)
Median Aggregator called

{'precision': 0.9929358534618008, 'recall': 0.6737755326205007, 'f1_score': 0.9173713364633038}


Note, that you score function must return the same aggregator for a score across all datapoints. If not, we will raise an error!

Multi-Return Aggregator#

Sometimes an aggregator needs to return multiple values. We can easily do that, by returning a dict from the aggregate method.

As example, we will calculate the mean and standard deviation of the returned scores in one aggregation.

def score(pipeline: MyPipeline, datapoint: ECGExampleData):
    # We use the `safe_run` wrapper instead of just run. This is always a good idea.
    # We don't need to clone the pipeline here, as GridSearch will already clone the pipeline internally and `run`
    # will clone it again.
    pipeline = pipeline.safe_run(datapoint)
    tolerance_s = 0.02  # We just use 20 ms for this example
    matches = match_events_with_reference(
        tolerance=tolerance_s * datapoint.sampling_rate_hz,
    precision, recall, f1_score = precision_recall_f1_score(matches)
    return {"precision": precision, "recall": recall, "f1_score": f1_score}

class MeanAndStdAggregator(Aggregator[float]):
    def aggregate(cls, /, values: Sequence[float], **_) -> Dict[str, float]:
        print("MeanAndStdAggregator Aggreagtor called")
            return {"mean": float(np.mean(values)), "std": float(np.std(values))}
        except TypeError as e:
            raise ValidationError(
                "MeanAndStdAggregator can only be used with float values. "
                f"Got the following values instead:\n\n{values}"
            ) from e

multi_agg_agg, multi_agg_single = Scorer(score, default_aggregator=MeanAndStdAggregator)(pipe, example_data)
MeanAndStdAggregator Aggreagtor called
MeanAndStdAggregator Aggreagtor called
MeanAndStdAggregator Aggreagtor called

When multiple values are returned, the names are concatenated with the names of the scores using __.

{'precision__mean': 0.9929358534618008, 'precision__std': 0.009342032241600755, 'recall__mean': 0.6737755326205007, 'recall__std': 0.39661575634936475, 'f1_score__mean': 0.7089727629059107, 'f1_score__std': 0.39387732846763174}

Complicated Aggregation#

In cases where we do not want to or can not aggregate the scores on a per-datapoint basis, we can return arbitrary data from the score function and pass it to a complex aggregator. There are no restrictions on the data you can pass from the scorer. Only the aggregator needs to be able to handle the values and then return a float or a dict with float values.

In this example, we will use a custom aggregator to calculate the precision, recall and f1-score without aggregating on a datapoint level first. For that we return the raw matches from the score function and wrap them into an aggregator that concatenates all of them, before throwing them into the precision_recall_f1_score function.

class SingleValuePrecisionRecallF1(Aggregator[np.ndarray]):
    def aggregate(cls, /, values: Sequence[np.ndarray], **_) -> Dict[str, float]:
        print("SingleValuePrecisionRecallF1 Aggregator called")
        precision, recall, f1_score = precision_recall_f1_score(np.vstack(values))
        return {"precision": precision, "recall": recall, "f1_score": f1_score}

def score(pipeline: MyPipeline, datapoint: ECGExampleData):
    # We use the `safe_run` wrapper instead of just run. This is always a good idea.
    # We don't need to clone the pipeline here, as GridSearch will already clone the pipeline internally and `run`
    # will clone it again.
    pipeline = pipeline.safe_run(datapoint)
    tolerance_s = 0.02  # We just use 20 ms for this example
    matches = match_events_with_reference(
        tolerance=tolerance_s * datapoint.sampling_rate_hz,
    precision, recall, f1_score = precision_recall_f1_score(matches)
    return {
        "precision": precision,
        "recall": recall,
        "f1_score": f1_score,
        "per_sample": SingleValuePrecisionRecallF1(matches),

We can see that we now get the values per datapoint (as before) and the values without previous aggregation. From a scientific perspective, we can see that these values are quite different. Again, which version to choose for scoring will depend on the use case.

SingleValuePrecisionRecallF1 Aggregator called

{'precision': 0.9929358534618008, 'recall': 0.6737755326205007, 'f1_score': 0.7089727629059107, 'per_sample__precision': 0.990271060623102, 'per_sample__recall': 0.6957054245189839, 'per_sample__f1_score': 0.8172557027823545}

The raw matches array is still available in the single results.

[array([[0.000e+00, 0.000e+00],
       [1.000e+00, 1.000e+00],
       [2.000e+00, 2.000e+00],
       [      nan, 3.670e+02],
       [      nan, 4.930e+02],
       [      nan, 1.906e+03]]), array([[0.000e+00, 1.000e+00],
       [1.000e+00, 2.000e+00],
       [2.000e+00, 3.000e+00],
       [      nan, 2.171e+03],
       [      nan, 2.175e+03],
       [      nan, 2.179e+03]]), array([[1.000e+00, 1.000e+00],
       [2.000e+00, 2.000e+00],
       [3.000e+00, 3.000e+00],
       [      nan, 2.201e+03],
       [      nan, 2.202e+03],
       [      nan, 2.222e+03]]), array([[0.000e+00, 0.000e+00],
       [1.000e+00, 1.000e+00],
       [2.000e+00, 2.000e+00],
       [      nan, 2.417e+03],
       [      nan, 2.443e+03],
       [      nan, 2.445e+03]]), array([[0.000e+00, 0.000e+00],
       [1.000e+00, 1.000e+00],
       [2.000e+00, 2.000e+00],
       [      nan, 2.012e+03],
       [      nan, 2.014e+03],
       [      nan, 2.020e+03]]), array([[0.000e+00, 3.000e+01],
       [1.000e+00, 4.380e+02],
       [2.000e+00, 4.410e+02],
       [      nan, 1.760e+03],
       [      nan, 1.761e+03],
       [      nan, 1.762e+03]]), array([[0.000e+00, 7.430e+02],
       [1.000e+00, 7.440e+02],
       [2.000e+00, 7.450e+02],
       [      nan, 1.876e+03],
       [      nan, 1.877e+03],
       [      nan, 1.878e+03]]), array([[1.000e+00, 0.000e+00],
       [2.000e+00, 1.000e+00],
       [3.000e+00, 2.000e+00],
       [      nan, 1.848e+03],
       [      nan, 1.859e+03],
       [      nan, 1.860e+03]]), array([[0.000e+00, 0.000e+00],
       [1.000e+00, 1.000e+00],
       [2.000e+00, 2.000e+00],
       [1.987e+03,       nan],
       [      nan, 3.100e+01],
       [      nan, 1.699e+03]]), array([[0.000e+00, 4.000e+00],
       [1.000e+00, 2.480e+02],
       [2.000e+00, 2.610e+02],
       [      nan, 1.860e+03],
       [      nan, 1.861e+03],
       [      nan, 1.862e+03]]), array([[0.000e+00, 0.000e+00],
       [1.000e+00, 1.000e+00],
       [2.000e+00, 2.000e+00],
       [1.515e+03, 1.515e+03],
       [1.516e+03, 1.516e+03],
       [1.517e+03, 1.517e+03]]), array([[0.000e+00, 1.000e+00],
       [1.000e+00, 3.000e+00],
       [2.000e+00, 5.000e+00],
       [      nan, 2.596e+03],
       [      nan, 2.597e+03],
       [      nan, 2.599e+03]])]

However, we can customize this behaviour for our aggregator by setting the RETURN_RAW_SCORE class variable to False:

Now we can see that the raw matches array is not returned anymore. In case of a single scorer, the single return value would just be None, instead of a dict with the respective key missing.

SingleValuePrecisionRecallF1 Aggregator called

dict_keys(['precision', 'recall', 'f1_score'])

Weighted Aggregation#

So far all aggregators only used the values for aggregation. However, sometimes we want to treat values differently depending on where they came from. For these “complicated” weighting cases, we can use the datapoint parameter that is passed to the aggregate method.

In the following example, we want to calculate the Macro Average over all participant groups (see dataset below). This means, we want to average the parameters first in each group and then average the results.


ECGExampleData [12 groups/rows]

patient_group participant
0 group_1 100
1 group_2 102
2 group_3 104
3 group_1 105
4 group_2 106
5 group_3 108
6 group_1 114
7 group_2 116
8 group_3 119
9 group_1 121
10 group_2 123
11 group_3 200

For this our aggregator will use the datapoint parameter to find out which group the datapoint belongs and then average the values using pandas groupby function. We also return the values of the individual groups. Note that we must return everything as a dict of float values.

class GroupWeightedAggregator(Aggregator[float]):
    def aggregate(cls, /, values: Sequence[float], datapoints: Sequence[ECGExampleData], **_) -> Dict[str, float]:
        print("GroupWeightedAggregator Aggregator called")
        patient_groups = [ for d in datapoints]
        data = pd.DataFrame({"value": values, "patient_groups": patient_groups})
        per_group = data.groupby("patient_groups").mean()["value"]
        return {**per_group.to_dict(), "group_mean": per_group.mean()}

In our score function, we wrap the f1-score with the new aggregator (we could of cause also wrap the others, or use the default_aggregator parameter).

def score(pipeline: MyPipeline, datapoint: ECGExampleData):
    # We use the `safe_run` wrapper instead of just run. This is always a good idea.
    # We don't need to clone the pipeline here, as GridSearch will already clone the pipeline internally and `run`
    # will clone it again.
    pipeline = pipeline.safe_run(datapoint)
    tolerance_s = 0.02  # We just use 20 ms for this example
    matches = match_events_with_reference(
        tolerance=tolerance_s * datapoint.sampling_rate_hz,
    precision, recall, f1_score = precision_recall_f1_score(matches)
    return {"precision": precision, "recall": recall, "f1_score": GroupWeightedAggregator(f1_score)}

group_weighted_agg, group_weighted_single = Scorer(score)(pipe, example_data)
GroupWeightedAggregator Aggregator called

{'precision': 0.9929358534618008, 'recall': 0.6737755326205007, 'f1_score__group_1': 0.5039949762609272, 'f1_score__group_2': 0.9405469879110494, 'f1_score__group_3': 0.6823763245457557, 'f1_score__group_mean': 0.7089727629059107}

No-Aggregation Aggregator#

Sometimes you might want to return data from a score function that should not be aggregated. This could be arbitrary metadata or scores will value that can not be averaged. In this case you can simply use the NoAgg aggregator. This will return only the single values and no aggregated items.

In the example below, we will only aggregate the precision and recall, but not the f1-score.

from tpcp.validate import NoAgg

def score(pipeline: MyPipeline, datapoint: ECGExampleData):
    # We use the `safe_run` wrapper instead of just run. This is always a good idea.
    # We don't need to clone the pipeline here, as GridSearch will already clone the pipeline internally and `run`
    # will clone it again.
    pipeline = pipeline.safe_run(datapoint)
    tolerance_s = 0.02  # We just use 20 ms for this example
    matches = match_events_with_reference(
        tolerance=tolerance_s * datapoint.sampling_rate_hz,
    precision, recall, f1_score = precision_recall_f1_score(matches)
    return {"precision": precision, "recall": recall, "f1_score": NoAgg(f1_score)}

We can see that the f1-score is not contained in the aggregated results.

no_agg_agg, no_agg_single = Scorer(score)(pipe, example_data)
{'precision': 0.9929358534618008, 'recall': 0.6737755326205007}

But we can still access the value in the single results.

[0.9993396434074401, 0.8673338465486272, 0.9336437718277065, 0.9787896477913991, 0.9010989010989011, 0.08473655621944595, 0.03143006809848088, 0.9937552039966694, 0.99874213836478, 0.006420545746388443, 1.0, 0.7123828317710903]

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 9.809 seconds)

Estimated memory usage: 14 MB

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery